
The only free dating app you’ll ever need

Check in to your location and find
matches where you are and nearby. It’s free!

Check in to your location and browse profiles where you are and nearby. It’s free!

Download Now

Find what you are looking
for, efficiently.

Want to hang out? Flirt? Date? Looking for the
peanut butter to your jelly? Where better to find
that person than IRL in your favourite spots?
Or better yet, somewhere you’ve never been!
The world is your lobster, sorry, oyster.

Find what you are looking for with Piin

Discover connections in
your exact location.

Check into any spot (bar, concert, gym, restaurant,
museum, the airport...) to meet potential matches
IRL where you are and in nearby locations.

Check-in with Piin and meet someone close by

Your type on paper...

Set your filters to only see and be visible to
people who meet your preferences.
Who's got time to waste?

You're already out looking fly. Don't waste
that outfit!

Find what you are looking for with Piin

We are inclusive!

We include non-binary gender options
and an advanced selection of sexual orientations,
so you can be yourself.

Only be seen in searches by other non-binary
genders and you can choose to not be seen
by straight people.

Select your sexual preferences with Piin

Group date?

Check in as a group of 2 to 4 people to find
others to hang-out with or double-date!
Invite friends to the app to enable this feature.

Group dating with Piin

Find what you are
looking for, efficiently.

Want to hang out? Flirt? Date?
Looking for the peanut butter
to your jelly? Where better to
find that person than IRL in
your favourite spots? Or better
yet, somewhere you’ve never
been! The world is your
lobster, sorry, oyster.

Find what you are looking for with Piin

Discover connections
in your exact location.

Check into any spot (bar,
concert, gym, restaurant,
museum, the airport...) to
meet potential matches
IRL where you are and
in nearby locations.

Check-in with Piin and meet someone close by

Your type on paper...

Set your filters to only see
and be visible to people who
meet your preferences.
Who's got time to waste?
You're already out looking
fly. Don't waste that outfit!

Check-in with Piin and meet someone close by

We are inclusive!

We include non-binary gender
options and an advanced
selection of sexual orientations,
so you can be yourself. Only
be seen in searches by other
non-binary genders and you
can choose to not be seen by
straight people.

Select your sexual preferences with Piin

Group date?

Check in as a group of 2 to 4
people to find others to
hang-out with or double-date!
Invite friends to the app to
enable this feature.

Group dating with Piin

Pre-register and get advanced features free* for six months!

*For the first 5,000 subscribers. Piin is a free app with premium features that require a subscription.

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